Home > Just Thinking

Just Thinking

December 10th, 2012 at 10:39 pm

Last night I could not get to sleep because I kept thinking about the financial goals I want to make for next year. I'm excited because I want to try some new things. Right now I do have an emergency fund. But it only has $25 in it. But I do have money in other accounts. I am, however, going to set specific money aside that will be exclusively for my emergency fund.

After looking at my remaining classes, I will probably graduate in either the spring or fall of 2014. So close! Then I will have my Bachelor's degree in Accounting. I plan to celebrate my graduation in Orlando, Fl. I want to go to Disney World and Universal Studios. So as an added incentive to study hard, I have been saving all of my change. When the jar is full, I plan to cash it in and transfer it to an account I have at ING that is labeled exclusively for Disney World 2014! It's never too early to start saving!

2 Responses to “Just Thinking”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    That is a great plan!!

  2. Beawealthywarrior Says:

    Yeah it's never to early to start. All last year I started saving $5 bills for a Bahamas trip I'm going on, it adds up fast!

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